Learner Centre Terms of Use

  • No food is permitted in the Learner Centre. Drinks with lids are allowed. No food or drinks are allowed near the computers.
  • Do not leave personal belongings unattended.  You are responsible for your belongings at all times. Learner Centre staff are not responsible for belongings left unattended.
  • Headphones must be used with audio devices or computers. 
  • Unauthorized canvassing, proselytizing/recruitment, soliciting, or peddling is not permitted on college property.


Study Areas

Computer Commons Lab – No Food permitted, Low Talking, One person per computer
Quiet Study – No talking, phones set to silent mode
Study Carrels – Low/conversational talking is permitted
Study Tables – Working with a group is permitted, but be aware of your volume level

Bookable Rooms

The Library has 16 bookable Student Meeting Rooms that can be used for things like your group project, study group, or attending online classes. Bookings can be made through the online Room Booking system.

Be courteous when booking study rooms - don't monopolize the room and cancel if you no longer need your booking. Cancellation links are included with booking email confirmations.

Room Booking Terms of Use  
  • Rooms are for student use only.
  • Bookings are available up to 7 days in advance
  • Individuals or groups may not book more than 3 hours per day.
  • Rooms are considered free 15 minutes after the beginning of the booked timeslot if no group member has arrived to claim the room.
  • Rooms are available first come, first served when not reserved.
  • Working with a group is permitted in Student Meeting rooms, but be aware of your volume level - the rooms are not soundproof.
  • Study rooms are available during library hours.
  • Do not leave your belongings inside a room as they are unsupervised. 
  • Library Staff reserve the right to cancel room bookings.