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Contains articles from magazines, journals, newspapers and electronic books. Many databases contain the complete text while others offer citations describing the article.
Use the provided filters below to find a database that best suits your needs.
Use Publications Finder to search or browse an A-Z Journal List for NorQuest Library’s full- text online periodicals or ebooks. Find It! Full Text Finder can be used to find a specific article when you know the journal it was published in.
Contains information on adult and child Aboriginal identity population for selected communities in Canada according to the 2001 Census.
Contains documents and promotes academic films in the Humanities and Sciences by providing an archive, resource, and forum for continuing scholarly advancement and public exhibition.
Accesses over 5,500 scholarly journals covering most areas of academic study. Updated on a daily basis. NorQuest College Library thanks the Government of Alberta for its generosity in funding the Lois Hole Campus Alberta Digital Library (LHCADL). Visit the <a href="" target="blank">LHCADL website</a> for more info.
The ACM Digital Library (DL) is the world’s most comprehensive database of full-text articles and bibliographic literature covering computing and information technology. This renowned repository includes the complete collection of ACM publications plus an extended bibliographic database of core works in computing from scholarly publishers. You must create a separate account on ACM-DL in order to download any content.
Alberta ExamBank for students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 provides access to randomized practice exams. Contact Tutorial and Academic Coaching Services for login information.
Searches all Ebsco databases licensed by NorQuest. (Publication Search not available when using this cross-search.)
Gale's PowerSearch searches 3 databases: Gale OneFile: CPI.Q (Canadian Periodicals), Gale eBooks (Gale Virtual Reference Library), and Gale in Context: World History.
Searches Canadian Newstand, and Canadian Business and Current Affairs (CBCA) and the Ebrary ebook collection.
Alternative medicine database (full text).
The American Indian Film Gallery is an archival collection of ethnographic films organized by tribe.
Providing content from leading trade and industrial journals, professional and technical society journals, specialized subject periodicals, buyers’ guides, directories, conference proceedings and more, Applied Science & Technology Source focuses on traditional engineering challenges & research, as well as research concerning the business and social implications of new technology. This database provides comprehensive coverage for a wide variety of applied science specialties—from acoustics to aeronautics, and neural networks to nuclear engineering.
The Atlas of Canada, from Natural Resources Canada, includes outline, reference, interactive and thematic maps of the country.
Stream popular and classic movies.
BioMed Central publishes 265 peer-reviewed open access journals spanning all areas of biology, biomedicine and medicine.
Business coverage including 2,000 peer-reviewed business publications and more than 1,150,000 company profiles. Updated daily. NorQuest College Library thanks the Government of Alberta for its generosity in funding the Lois Hole Campus Alberta Digital Library (LHCADL). Visit the <a href="" target="blank">LHCADL website</a> for more info.
Canadian Encyclopedia is Canada's premier encyclopedia on Canadian history, issues, and geography.
Access to 348 newspapers from across Canada, including the Edmonton Journal (full text).
A collection of ebooks about and concerning First Nations and indigenous communities.
Canadian magazines, newspapers, newswires and reference books and an image collection. Updated daily. Also contains the Canadian Oxford Dictionary. is a coalition of memory institutions dedicated to providing broad access to Canada's documentary heritage. Contains following the online collections: Canadiana Online, Early Canadiana Online and Héritage.
The website provides access to court judgments from all Canadian courts, including the Supreme Court of Canada, federal courts, and the courts in all Canada’s provinces and territories. also contains decisions from many tribunals nationally.
Access to Canadian business magazines, journals and government publications. NorQuest College Library thanks the Government of Alberta for its generosity in funding the Lois Hole Campus Alberta Digital Library (LHCADL). Visit the <a href="" target="blank">LHCADL website</a> for more info.
Nursing and allied health literature. Extensive coverage. NorQuest College Library thanks the Government of Alberta for its generosity in funding the Lois Hole Campus Alberta Digital Library (LHCADL). Visit the <a href="" target="blank">LHCADL website</a> for more info.
The ultimate research tool for nursing and allied health studies, CINAHL Ultimate provides fast and easy access to top journals, evidence based care sheets, quick lessons and continuing education modules.
Clinical Simulation in Nursing is the official journal of the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation & Learning (INACSL). It is international in scope and peer reviewed.
The Cochrane Library is a collection of health and medical databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Cochrane Methodology Register (CMR), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA), NHS Economic Evaluation Database (EED)
The Conference Board of Canada is a Canadian not-for-profit think tank dedicated to researching and analyzing economic trends, as well as organizational performance and public policy issues.
CPA Canada’s comprehensive reference source providing up-to-date information on accounting and assurance.
CPS includes the following products: CPS: Compendium of Pharmaceuticals & Specialties; CTC 7: Compendium of Therapeutic Choices; CPMA: Compendium of Products For Minor Ailments; CTMA: Compendium of Therapeutics For Minor Ailments; Lexi Interact; Patient hand-outs; RxTx Mobile App
A collection of online feature films from studios including 20th Century Fox, Paramount, Alliance Films, Entertainment One, Warner Bros. and Mongrel Media. <a href="" target="blank">Microsoft Silverlight</a> is required to view the films when using Internet Explorer on Windows 7 or 8. Silverlight is not needed when using Chrome, Edge, Safari or Firefox browsers. Not available on tablets or mobile devices. Download the <a href="" target="blank">User guide (pdf)</a> for more info.
From EBSCO. This multidisciplinary collection includes thousands of e-books covering a large selection of academic subjects and features e-books from leading publishers and university presses.
Covers all areas of education including: early childhood to secondary education, higher education, multilingual education, health education, testing, administration, policy, funding, and related social issues.
Education Resource Information Center. Access to an extensive collection of educational literature and resources.
ESL readers ebooks available through our OneSearch
The Federal Open Science Repository of Canada provides public, web-based access to federally authored scientific articles and publications from participating science-based departments and agencies.
Frontier Life: Borderlands, Settlement and Colonial Encounters examines settlement, existence and interactions at the edge of the Anglophone world from 1650-1920. These digitised primary source documents cover the frontiers of North America, Africa and Australasia. Materials are from archives around the world including the Glenbow Museum and the Hudson's Bay Company Archives.
Gale Literature is a combination of three databases: Gale Literature Criticism, Gale Literature Resource Center, and Gale Literature: Dictionary of Literary Biography. NorQuest College Library thanks the Government of Alberta for its generosity in funding the Lois Hole Campus Alberta Digital Library (LHCADL). Visit the <a href="" target="blank">LHCADL website</a> for more info.
Canadian and international magazines, newspapers, scholarly journals and reference books [coverage 1980 - present].
Provides access to millions of pages of content spanning many centuries and geographic regions. Users can explore a wide range of content including monographs, manuscripts, newspapers, photographs, maps, and more. Includes access to an extensive First Nations and Indigenous Peoples studies collection with rare and valuable primary sources.
Gartner is a global IT research and advisory services leader, offering over 100,000 reports and briefings. These resources encompass various industries, including finance, human resources, artificial intelligence, and more.
Covers the basics of Generative Artificial Intelligence, how it’s used at our college, ethical considerations, and guidelines for using GenAI.
This comprehensive resource draws on the connections between the environment and a variety of disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology. Topics covered include global climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling and more.
Harvard Business Review is the leading destination for smart management thinking. Through its flagship magazine, books, and digital content and tools published on, Harvard Business Review aims to provide professionals around the world with rigorous insights and best practices to help lead themselves and their organizations more effectively and to make a positive impact.
This rich collection of consumer health information provides access to full-text consumer health magazines. It also includes searchable full text for current health pamphlets.
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition provides researchers, allied health professionals, nurses and medical educators with access to full-text scholarly journals focusing on many medical disciplines.
IBISWorld publishes a robust, yet easy to use online database of research, analysis, and risk information on 450+ Canadian industries at the level where companies operate – many with Industry Financial Ratios, along with city level data (census metropolitan area (CMA) statistics to show how revenue performance compares to population centers).
IEEE DataPort™ is a valuable and easily accessible data platform that enables users to store, search, access and manage data.
The "vision of the Indigenous Studies Portal is to provide one place to look to find resources for Indigenous studies". The focus is on electronic resources: books, articles, theses, documents, photographs, archival resources, maps, etc.
This dictionary will help you find Cree-to-English and English-to-Cree translations. The dictionary also has recorded audio for pronunciation. The search uses both Cree syllabics or English wording to find entries. "itwêwina was made by the Alberta Language Technology Lab (ALTLab), in collaboration with the First Nations University and Maskwacîs Education Schools Commission (MESC). The dictionary entries are courtesy of Dr. Arok Wolvengrey and MESC."
The Journal of Chemical Education (JCE) is co-published by the ACS Division of Chemical Education and ACS Publications. Launched in 1924, JCE is the world’s premier chemical education journal.
Journal of Practical Nurse Education and Practice (JPNEP) is an open access, peer reviewed journal that publishes twice a year, with a focus on Practical Nursing.
Non-profit educational organization that provides free video tutorials on mathematics, history, healthcare, medicine, finance, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, cosmology, American civics, art history, economics, music, and computer science.
Download full-text articles from the internet and break through annoying paywalls with LibKey Nomad! If the article is available through our resources, LibKey Nomad will easily help you to access it.
LinkedIn Learning (formerly is a leading online learning platform that helps anyone learn business, software, technology, and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals.
Covers subject areas of general interest. Includes full-text reference books, biographies, primary source documents, and an image collection of photos, maps and flags. (Full-text)
This streaming service contains online videos on various topics. Check back to see what titles have been added!
Produced by the Modern Language Association (MLA), the MLA International Bibliography lists scholarly publications on literature, language and linguistics, literary theory and criticism, folklore, film and other dramatic arts. It also covers rhetoric and writing studies, the history of printing and publishing and the theory and practice of teaching language and literature. The MLA Directory of Periodicals provides detailed information on over 25,000 journals and book series that cover literature, literary theory, dramatic arts, folklore, language, linguistics, pedagogy, rhetoric and composition, and the history of printing and publishing.
Each procedure video also includes supporting material including an overview, equipment lists, preparation lists, follow-up care, documentation, and review questions.
Each procedure video also includes supporting material including an overview, equipment lists, preparation lists, follow-up care, documentation, and review questions.
Each procedure video also includes supporting material including an overview, equipment lists, preparation lists, follow-up care, documentation, and review questions.
A video gallery of films on all subjects related to space exploration and aeronautics made available by NASA.
Includes links to data repositories and open source software.
Contains the Rapid Reads collection of ebooks. Rapid Reads are short novels and non-fiction books written for adult readers. Titles are downloadable.
PubMed features biomedical and life sciences journal literature presented by the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine
Coverage of business journals, newspapers and newswires from cities and rural areas within the United States. Updated on a daily basis. (Full-text)
This journal is committed to promoting and supporting the profession of Child and Youth Care through disseminating the knowledge and experience of individuals involved in the day-to-day lives of young people.
Sage Research Methods supports research at all levels by providing material to guide users through every step of the research process.
Contains science encyclopedias, reference books, magazines, and other sources in all scientific subjects. (Full-text)
The Stanford Health Video Library programs feature prominent doctors presenting the latest health research.
Statistics Canada produces statistics that help Canadians better understand their country—its population, resources, economy, society and culture.
Includes the Arden Shakespeare editions of Shakespeare’s complete works, reviews, images, and adaptations and other works published during Shakespeare's time. NorQuest College Library thanks the Government of Alberta for its generosity in funding the Lois Hole Campus Alberta Digital Library (LHCADL). Visit the <a href="" target="blank">LHCADL website</a> for more info.
The Therapeutic Recreation Journal (TRJ) is a quarterly publication devoted to publishing scholarly and substantive manuscripts in the field of therapeutic recreation/recreation therapy.